What to Wear to Your Engagement Session

OMG what should I wear?!?!

Great, you’ve picked your photographer and you’ve booked your engagement session (woot woot!) but now the dreaded question of “what should we wear!?” starts creeping in. DON’T SWEAT! We gotchuuu.

In this article we’re going to go over some of the do’s and don’ts of outfit choices to help you and your boo figure out the perfect outfit(s) for when you finally step in front of that lens!



At the end of the day, the outfit that’s gonna look rockin’ in all your pics is the one you feel like the best dang version of yourself in! If you feel like it’s too tight, too short, too sexy YOU WILL LOOK HELLA AKWARD. There is nothing worse then feeling less than your best and having a camera shoved in your face for an hour. If you’re constantly pulling your skirt down, or trying to suck in that lil pooch “you think you have” then you won’t be focusing on your boo - and that’s where the connection is.

If you don’t feel great, then you probably won’t look great. It’s as simple as that.

So throw on that flowy dress, those boy shorts, trousers, hell even just a white t-shirt if that’s you and let’s get groovin!



For the most part, in most situations in life, you can never be too overdressed! Even if we’re dragging you around some field out in nature trust us - that flowy skirt or dress will look gorgeeee.

If you think about it, most of the time people have more casual photos (check your insta page) so this is your one opportunity to actually PLAN, and look fire in that dress.

*** only recommendation is no heels (if you’re going on more of a nature sesh vs an urban setting. Your heels will probably get stuck in the ground/dirt/mud and no one wants that. Also it can limit movement, and we’re all about movement here at Wind & Willow!)


We LOVE recommending our clients to bring a second outfit option. This allows some more variety to the photos - especially if a change in location isn’t an option.

Also if you’re anything like us, then you’ve probably been a tad indecisive (do we wear a dressy outfit, or a more casual one, do we we wear the blue top or the patterned top!?). Well this is your chance to wear BOTH! Hallelujah!

We love seeing both sides to a couple, so if you wanted the more fancy look we also really encourage a more laidback casual look. Two different tones, two different vibes, but overall it’s all you babayy.

Lastly, the casual look also allows us a bit more freedom when it comes to some posing prompts. You may not want to sit down in the dirty grass with your $200 Aritzia skirt (we feel that!) so throwing on a pair of blue jeans will allow us to get some of these other types of shots that your first outfit may have been limiting you on.


This totally isn’t necessary, but similar to point #3, props and accessories allow some more variety to your photos.

If a second outfit choice isn’t an option, or maybe you just didn’t have anything else you wanted, then throwing on a cute sunhat or poppin’ some bubbly could be a fun, easy and time saving idea.

You can go as simple as a hat, sunglasses, scarf.

Or maybe you can go all out and bring a cozy blanket, picnic, or even some signs that say “we’re engaged”.

Bonus points for you if your accessory is your pupper ;)



If you can, let’s try to avoid the whole matching white tshirts and blue jean look. #cringe

If you do want to go with this sorta vibe though, try to switch up the type of outfit, i.e. person 1 is in a white tank and ripped light jeans, and the other is in a white tshirt with other jeans.

Also the colour wheel is your friend.

Try to pick colours that compliment one another, they tend to photograph really well together!


Referring back to point number 1 - confidence is key! Getting your hair and makeup done can help give you that lil extra somethin’ somethin that gives that additional confidence boost.

Also LADIES, this is a great opportunity to see if the makeup you like for your wedding day looks good in pics before the actual big day!

Bonus points for false lashes and gettin’ your nails did!

You want those eyes to pop and lashes really help with that. Also getting your nails done definitely compliments the closeup pics we’ll be getting of you with that engagement ring you wanna show off ;)


At the end of the day the point of this session is to focus on YOU. So if you’re wearing outfits with loud prints, or large graphics it could get distracting. Try to keep your outfits clean and simple.

If one of you does opt for something printed, make sure the other person is in something simple.

Balance is key.

Have the same thinking when it comes to colours too. Something like “red” can be really loud and bold, even if the print itself is plain. Try to make sure both of you aren’t wearing colours that are screaming at one another but rather balance each other out.


Hopefully the above tips help you out a bit. You can use all of them - or none of them. At the end of the day, you do YOU!

The point of the engagement session is to capture you and your boo in your true essence without all the fancy pressures that come with a wedding day.

So if you’re stuck - hopefully these help you out. However if you need some more ideas, head on over to our Pinterest page for some more visuals :)
